COVID-19 Vacuum Update
04/24/2020 - The RI Department of Business Regulation has now confirmed that we can turn on our vacuums, in a reduced capacity. Per their recommendation, and to further reinforce the continuing need for social distancing, we are blocking off every other vacuum stall with traffic cones.
We will be regularly disinfecting the vacuum nozzles throughout the day, as well as other touch surfaces, such as the pay stations and door handles. As we have already been doing for several days now, our staff will be wearing cloth face coverings as we serve you, and we strongly encourage you to do the same.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
COVID-19 Business Hours Update
03/30/2020 - Following Governor Raimondo’s recent order for all non-essential retail businesses to close until April 13, we have confirmed with the RI Department of Business Regulation that we can remain open for business. They are recommending to shut down our vacuums in order to further encourage customers to stay in their vehicles when they come in for a wash, so we are complying with that recommendation. We are continuing the disinfecting regimen for touch surfaces and other safety measures we previously established.
For the time being -
We are adjusting our open hours to be from 9am to 5pm, 7 days a week, weather permitting.
Vacuums will be shut down to comply with RI Department of Business Regulation recommendation, and we encourage customers to stay in their vehicles for the duration of their time spent on the car wash site.
As always, we appreciate your understanding as we navigate our way through these coming weeks.
COVID-19 Unlimited Plan Billing Update
03/28/2020 - During these especially challenging times, we are striving to remain open for business, as weather permits, and as we are allowed by the state. If we are forced to close for some period of time because of a ‘shelter in place’ order or temporary closing of non-essential businesses by the state, we will ensure that our loyal members are not charged for these days we are closed. We will do this by moving your next billing date further out, so that you will not be billed for these days we are temporarily closed. This may be done incrementally, as the full time period of being closed for business may not be known initially if/when it starts.
As a family-owned and operated new business in the Ocean State, we are deeply grateful for your commitment to us. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at
COVID-19 Safety Guidelines
03/21/2020 - We want to take this opportunity to convey some information regarding our business and the coronavirus health crisis.
First and foremost, the health and safety of our staff and customers is our top priority.
If any of our staff are not feeling well, we are urging them to stay at home and not come in to work.
If they have knowingly come in contact with anyone infected with the COVID-19 virus, they should not come in to work, and should rigorously follow CDC guidelines for this situation.
Frequent hand washing with soap and water is being stressed to our staff.
While we are open, regularly throughout the day we will be disinfecting the pay station touch surfaces, vacuum nozzles, door handles, and other hard surfaces that may be touched.
We will strive to maintain the social distancing practices established by health officials. Friendly customer service is an important pillar of our business, and so we do not want to abandon that.
We will still look to greet customers at the pay stations, while also maintaining a social distance. If you would prefer to not interact with one of our staff here, we would ask you keep your windows closed and wave us away, and then carry out the pay station transaction yourself – we won’t be offended. We can also help guide you through the transaction while maintaining a social distance.
We will also strive to maintain a social distance in the vacuum area and lobby and we will not look to shake hands with customers. And again, we will not be offended if you want to stay in your vehicle with the windows closed.
We will strive to remain open for business, as weather permits, and as we are allowed. We want to sincerely thank our customers, and particularly our monthly members, for your loyalty as we together negotiate through these unprecedented times. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at